lauantai 16. huhtikuuta 2011

Arrows and stars

These are just random nails I came up with when flipping through my different bundle monster plates :)
Sorry the picture's a bit dark cause it was a bit late in the evening when I did these but I hope you can still make it out well enough :)
Ok so I finally realised why many of my patterns don't transfer very well, and it's because i've been trying too hard! :D which sounds funny but it's true, see I press down really hard on the plate and roll over the pattern many times to get the pattern completely and thoroughly on the stamp, but it actually doesn't give the best results that way, the best results come by firmly, but gently pressing down on the plate and rolling over it once and just trust it mostly to all come off on the stamp, at least it works best for me that way :) when I roll over it many times it either smudges alot of then most of the pattern doesn't stick to the stamp, I don't know why this is but that's just what happens, at least to me. I you've been experiencing the same problems I hope this helps, at least it helped me a great deal when I finally learnt how to do it properly because it's very easy to get frustrated with these things! :D
Aaaaanyways, here I used Nivea's Colour Mini, I can't make out the number because it's been smudged for some reason but it's called Blue Sparkle :) then I just used white nail polish and bm 20 for the cute starts and arrows :)
I decided to take a new picture in better lighting because I don't really like the other one and here it is ;P

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