keskiviikko 6. huhtikuuta 2011


So I found out about sponging a few days ago, I hear about it all the time but I've always though it was something very complex, turns out to be veeeery simple. Just take a sponge, paint a little nail polish on it and sponge away! Well, just dab at your nails. Simple! With a little practice and the right coloured nail polishes you can even achieve a very pretty gradient (or fading) effect :D
So here's what I tried out on my little sister, she chose the colours and I just dabbed (I used her as a guinea pig before i did mine heheh)
And here's mine which I did after I did my sisters nails, since pink is my favourite colour I of course chose pink colours :D I didn't quite get the gradient effects I was looking for but practice makes perfect!

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