keskiviikko 6. huhtikuuta 2011

Nail Piercing!

I got tired of trying to look around for a place I could buy a nail piercing drill and rings because I couldn't really find any soooo I decided to make a hole using a pin (which apparently isn't smart but I didn't see any harm in it) and then took a piece off of one of my earrings with pliers and put it in, a fairly simple process :)

 So there's the hole i made with the pin, I had to enlarge it a tiny bit after I took this pic because it was a bit small for the ring but I just took a thicker pin and stuck it through :D
 So there's the (broken) earring i took the ring from.
And here's the result! It does sorta bother me a bit when I type and I'm guessing I'm gonna have a hard time playing the piano but we'll see, It's always easy to take out and put back in with a little help from pliers ;P

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