torstai 16. kesäkuuta 2011

Water marbling!

 So I tried out water marbling, I tried it once a long time ago but since it didn't work out I thought I was doing it wrong, but I wasn't, probably just using the wrong kinds of nail polishes :D So here you can see all the equipment I used, an assortment of nail polishes I used, a cup filled with water, and orange stick and a pin and of course some paper to wipe the orange stick on ;P
 So basically you just drop drops of nail polish onto the surface of the water, it's very easy and gives very beautiful results! After you get the amount of rings you want just take a tooth pick or a dotting tool (a pin in my case) and draw lines across the surface of the water through the nail polish. Just be careful because the nail polish tends to want to stick to the object you're dragging through it. There are very many options as in how to draw the pattern, with this one I drew lines first vertically and then horizontally, making a very.... funky pattern :D
I then dipped all these four nails into the pattern (being a lazy person). Usually people just do one at a time, and it would probably yield much better results, but I didn't want to use all that time so I just dipped them all in :D That's why not all the nails came out so nice... oh well! Now people always say that once you dip the nail in you should gather the excess polish off the surface of  the water with your orange stick but I didn't really need to, most of the pattern was taken up since I did all my fingers at the same time :D (though I did do my thumbs separately)
 Here's the result after I cleaned up, I think marbling looks so nice and I will definitely do it again! Except that next time I guess I'll not be so hasty and try and get better results :D

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