perjantai 3. kesäkuuta 2011

White and glitter

At first I was going to do some kind of a french manicure but I figured my nails weren't quite long enough so I did these instead :) So here's the first step, basically I just painted half o the nail white, curving slightly. Personally I didn't use a guide or anything, which could also come in handy here I guess, I just don't like using them :D
 After this I waited for the white to dry properly then painted another similar stripe on the top of my nail (the area with the pink glitter) with a random see-through nail polish and dipped it in pink glitter. After this I just added a few stickers which I never use, so I decided to use some of them this time! I finished off with mavala's quick dry top coat and voila, done :)

These were nails I did for my little sister, they didn't come out that nice because her nails were so small it was hard to use Konad's printing system and for some reason I find it very difficult to do other people's nails :D The idea here was to only have the print on half the nail and rim it with gold glitter. The gold sin't very visible in this picture but it's there :) to get the print on only half the nail I just covered the part I didn't want the print to be on with tape, simple :D

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