maanantai 5. syyskuuta 2011

Three French Manicures!

This first frenchie was really random, I just wanted to do a something with glitter and used a blue glittering nail polish I have
 I then just decided to add tiger stripes, I liked the result, although the blue was a bit too dark for the black lines :D
 This actually reminds me of a valentines french manicure :)
 I just painted a stripe on top of the white french manicure with clear nail polish and stuck it in a pink glitter pot :D
 The hearts were a cute addition :D

 This last french manicure I like the most, it's very pink and cute - just what i like :D
 You cant really see them in this picture, they can be seen a little better in the next pic, but I added these circular flakes all over the pink part (you can see them in a pic below). I just painted over the pink with clear nail polish and used my finger to stick them on top of the wet nail polish. Then I just added a few hearts and rhinestones which you can see below

2 kommenttia:

  1. Öö vähän hienoja! :o saat tehä mulle joskus kun nähään jotkut hienot (jos näihin saa mitää ku nää on nii lyhyet.. :D)

  2. Joo voin hyvin tehä :D ainoo vaa et aina ku oon laittanu jollekin muulle kynnet nii ne vähä epäonnistuu mut toivotaa parast :D:D
