torstai 12. toukokuuta 2011

Red tiger stripes

So I was in a major hurry ot get my nails done before I went off to my boyfriends family party thing, so these did not come out as I had planned, ok, some people might like these but personally I didn't really, I took them off and did my nails again (in even more of a hurry! :D) so i'll post about them next.
So first I started off by using sponging, I painted my nails yellow first, with Ruby Kisses, Yellow Bikini, then I sponged over 2/3 of the nail with orange, Sexy Feet, and then sponged the tips with L'oreal's LaquiResist. I don't know if i'm using sponging as the right term because i'm using it as a verb but oh well, just bare with me! :)
 I then used Wet'n'Wilds Black creme to do the tiger stripes, using plate no. 16. I only took a picture of these three nails instead of the usual four, since I first tried to print white flowers, unsuccessfully, so it didn't look that nice... Well these aren't that bad, but they were not right for the occasion since it was a very pretty, sunny day and I was wearing a flowery skirt ;P

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