sunnuntai 15. toukokuuta 2011

Love themed

So I made a set of nails using the different love themed images from various plates. I first used a black base and printed on top with white. However the nail polish I used didn't work for all the images, so after I did these I kept them for a few days and then did my nails again this time using a white base, and using a dark pink nail polish which i've found transfers all the images very well on top.
Here are the nails with the black base. I used Wet'n'Wilds black creme, and on top I printed the images with Wet'n'Wilds French White Creme. I've generally noticed that this white nail polish works well with the full-nail  and bigger images, because it often hasn't worked if i've tried the smaller images. The plates I used were no's. 02, 09 and 11.

Here are the nails with the white base. Sorry I only have one picture, and even that one picture is bad cause the lighting is bad :/ I already took these off so I can't take any new pics... But yeah, I used Wet'n'Wild once again for the base, and on top I used a brand called Depend, no. 05. This nail polish works very well for all designs I've tried so far, I will probably go buy more of these nail polishes by this brand, I don't know if this is only in Finland or if they have them abroad too, but this nail polish I highly recommend, it's also pretty cheap compared to other nail polishes, if I remember correctly it was around 4 euros. The plates I used for the images in the picture were 02 and 09. On other nails I also used the heart images from plates no. 03 and 08, however the pictures of these nails were so blurry that I didn't post them here.

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