maanantai 22. elokuuta 2011

Quadruple post!

I dunno if I spelt that heading right but... oh well! :D I fiiinally found the cable, turns out my dad had it -.- :D Well, since I now have some catching up to do i'll do four posts in one!
First a few konads :)
In this one I used plate no. 20. I covered random parts with pieces of tape, and then printed the design on and then took the tapes off, leaning a nice clean line, which I then sort of outlined, as you can see.

 Here I used BM plates 03 and 11. My white nail polish was running out so the prints didn't come out all that clearly, but well enough on most nails :)

 Here I made another attempt at marbling, and was gonna do a few bundle monster designs on top, although I managed to sort of mess up the marbling, I think the nail polishes I used weren't that good :D

 Pretty terrible, huh? :D
Aaaaand, here is a lesson learned for all of you who try to save on money as I did, since I went to buy normal glitter from a store, and it turned out looking terrible! :D The glitter was too thick and on top of that it all smoshed together somehow after I applied top coat.

Even worse than the marbling! It hurts my eyes looking at this XD

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